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Knowledge Experience Ideas

Hi! In each value, you have to complete anywhere from 4-6 experiences before you should start the project. I was thinking and then I'm like "Some of the prewritten experiences aren't for everyone. What if I started a series that if people don't like the experiences, I give ideas for their own!" I decided to start with Knowledge because that is easiest to come up with ideas for! If you have a different idea, please comment it below so I can add it to this blog!

Experience Ideas:
-Make coloring sheets for the nursery and give a copy of each one you made to the leader
-Learn how to crochet
-Learn how to knit
-Teach a younger group of kids how to do something
-Learn how to make 3 different recipes
-Start a blog teaching how to do something you enjoy
-Draw pictures for kids at the hospital
-Make toys and give it to the nursery or kids at the hospital
-Learn how to sew
-Make a shirt
-Make a skirt
-Make multiple headbands and give them to cancer patients
-Make hats and give them to cancer patients or homeless centers

I would love to see your ideas! Comment them below or post them on Instagram with #PersonalProgressGirle


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