So, I am now in Young Womens/Personal Progress. When you turn 12-13 year olds are Beehives, 14-15 year olds are Mia Maids, and 16-17 year olds are Laurels. Once a year, usually in June or July, the Young Women go to Girls Camp. Now that I am a Beehive, I am a first year camper at Girls Camp. Starting the month before, we started preparing to get our camp certifications. For 1st year campers, we just need to tie some knots, learn how to use a compass, etc. We worked on getting our camp certifications and afterwards we would always get some kind of treat. At the Camp Kickoff, we were told that the theme would be BOOT Camp. B uilding O n O ur T estimonies. Get it? BOOT camp? No? I'll explain it: B uilding O n O ur T estimonies Flash forward one month, we are FINALLY at girls camp! It is July 13 and we have just arrived in the fresh mountain air. We stand around for about 30 minutes and then we start setting up tents and getting our things into the tents. There were 2 tents...
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